1. Make
sure that the following files are loaded onto the Handy Board (in addition to
those that are loaded normally):
Reset the HandyBoard and make sure that IC is closed so that the serial port is
not in use. The serial connector should
be attached to comm1. Alternatively, if
a second serial connector were attached to comm2, IC could use comm2 and not interfere
with comm1 (which will be the first comm port found and used by this software).
3. Edit
make.bat and server.bat files as necessary.
You will need to edit these files to make sure the various paths are set
Compile all the java files. You will
need the Java Communications Extension from the java website. It is very important to follow the
installation instructions for the comm package or it will not work properly.
5. Run
the java program*: the main class is Server.
Make sure to set the robot.path variable when running java (as shown in
the server.bat file) in order for the gui to properly load image files.
Note for Windows machines:
is an odd bug that prevents java from detecting the serial ports if the program
is run from anything other than your main windows drive (C:). The actual code can be anywhere you like,
but you will have to run the java command from somewhere in the main windows
drive (C:\) directories. For example,
if you are running win2k from the E: drive, then you will need to run the java
command from somewhere in the E:\ directories.