Forces of Conquest: A Strategic Game of Territorial Domination

Requirements Document
Version 1.1

Jon John, Erik Hayes, James Lacovara, Yu Ding, Lori Gratch

March 28, 2002



Table of Contents

            1. Introduction

            2. Functional Requirements

                        2.1 Game Play

                        2.2 Graphical User Interface

            3. Non-Functional Requirements

3.1 Availability

3.2 Performance

3.3 Usability

3.4 Look and Feel

3.5 System Requirements

3.6 Programming Language

            4. System Evolution

                        4.1 Special Units

                        4.2 Other Structures

                        4.3 Map Flexibility

            4.4 Accessories

4.5 New Army Units

4.6 Saving the Game

4.7 Network Play

4.8 Miscellaneous Enhancements

            5. Glossary

            6. Index


1.  Introduction


Team 2 is creating a strategy game entitled "Forces of Conquest: A Strategic Game of Territorial Domination".  It will be similar to a board game but complex enough that computer play would be more enjoyable.  The game is for two to four players.  The "board" will consist of a grid on which resources will be arranged.


            1.1  Object.


Enter the territory containing the enemy flag with at least one infantry unit, defeat the opposition (if it exists) and you win the game.   To stop your opponent you need to accumulate resources to improve and maintain your army units and build up walls to protect your flag.   Rogue Armies are included in this game, acting on their own and adding to the challenge.


1.2  Demand for Game.


Focus groups conducted by Team 2 show that players of computer games would respond favorably to a strategy board game incorporating many decisions yet assisted by a computer to help manage the numerous choices.


2.  Functional Requirements


2.1 Game Play


      2.1.1 Initialization


The game initialization consists of 3 steps: player creation, board setup, and initial resource allocation.  Upon completion of these stages, the game commences. Player Creation


The first step in the game initialization is player creation.   This is dependent on the number of people that are going to be playing the game. 


The players are initially created as a blank slate.   Attributes will be obtained later in initialization and throughout the play of the game.


Rationale:  Player creation must occur first because every other step of the game will involve the players in some way. Board Setup


Once the number of players has been determined, it is possible to provide an appropriate board.   The user will choose a map from a list of available options.


Besides just determining the board to be used for the game, this step also involves assigning players an initial starting point or base of operations.   This is done by giving the player a valid range on the field of play in which to designate as his or her base.   This start location is an important decision as it determines the location of the players flag and is where all of the player’s units will originate throughout the course of the game.


Rationale:  Board setup cannot occur earlier because given the nature of the game a board that is appropriate for a two-player game will not be suitable for the needs of a three or four-player game. Initial Resource Allocation


Players start with a set amount of each resource at the beginning of each game.  This amount is not great enough to perform any significant operations, but is enough to start the player without the need to wait for resources to accumulate from the base location.


Rationale:  This step will speed up play for the first few rounds.


2.1.2 Turns


Each player's turn consists of 4 stages in this order -- Resource Stage, Upkeep Stage, Main Stage, and Rogue stage.   The Resource, Upkeep, and Rogue stages are all handled automatically by the computer. Resource Stage


All resources provided by territories owned by the player are automatically calculated and added to the current player's total resources.   The following chart shows resource production for each type of terrain.   Resource production is variable and is shown as a range.



Resource per turn:


1-4 food


1-4 wood, 0-1 food


1-3 stone


0-2 metal, 0-1 stone

Shallow Water

0-1 food

Deep Water

1-2 food


none Upkeep Stage


Upkeep costs for all units are automatically subtracted from the current player's resources.  Failing to pay Upkeep Costs for any Unit results in penalties (see Unit Descriptions section). Main Stage


The main stage is the main playing stage of each turn.   During this stage, a player may build or repair structures, build units, and/or perform any unit actions in any order.   The units the player may build are Soldier , Ranger , Defender , Bridge , Wooden Wall , Stone Wall , Wooden Tower , Stone Tower , Defense Upgrade , and Catapult .  ( See Unit Descriptions section). Rogue Stage


The rogue stage is specifically for Rogue Armies to take actions.  Rogue armies that originated from a player will only take actions during that player's turn.   All other rogue armies will take actions depending on when they were found (See Rogue Armies section).


2.1.3 Unit Descriptions :


There are two main types of Units, Army Units and Structural Units.   Basically, Army Units are living and Structural Units are not.   All units cost resources to create and to maintain, and each one has different attributes.  This section gives descriptions and a summary of the building costs and other attributes for each type of unit. Army Units Building Army Units:


Army Units can only be built by the current player during the Main Stage of the turn, and only if that player has enough resources.  The primary resource needed for training and maintaining Army Units is food.  Each Army Unit is created one at a time but may be combined later to form an Army.  An Army may not exceed a total size of 10. Upkeep of Army Units:


During the Upkeep Stage of each turn, the current player must pay the total Upkeep Cost for each of their Armies.  Army Units do not charge an Upkeep Cost during the turn in which they were created.  After the Upkeep Cost is paid, that Army's Movement Points (MP ) are replenished, but only if they are not in battle.  If a player does not have enough resources to upkeep all of their Armies, the Armies closest to the Home Base are given their upkeep first, and any remaining resources are divided among the Armies farthest away from Home Base.   If there is a tie among any number of Armies, resources go to the smallest Armies first to minimize the number of Armies that do not receive upkeep.  The remaining resources are then divided evenly among the remaining Armies.


Each Army that does not receive its full Upkeep Cost will not be able to perform any actions that turn (besides Defending).   If an Army has a Ranger to help hunt, there is less of a chance that the Army may rebel and go rogue (Rangers can feed themselves and up to 2 other units).  That percentage (P) is calculated as follows:


P = (100/S)*F*(S-3*R)


F = total upkeep cost - upkeep paid

       total upkeep cost


Where S is the size of the army, F is the fraction of upkeep unpaid, and R is the number of Rangers.


Example 1: If an Army contained 2 Defenders, the total upkeep would be 4 food.  If this Army only received 2 food for its upkeep, then the chance it would go rogue would be (100/2)* (1/2)*(2-3*0) = 50%.  If a Ranger is added to this Army, the percentage chance would be (100/3)* (1/2)*(3-3*1) = 0%


Example 2: If an army contained 8 Soldiers and 2 Rangers and they got no food, the chance of going rogue would be

(100/10)*1*(10-3*2) = 40%


Basically, the percentage chance of going rogue is directly related to the size of the Army, the number of Rangers, and the percentage of the upkeep that was not paid.  Larger armies are less affected by small deficiencies of food. (See Rogue Armies below). Army Actions:


During the Main Stage of a turn, an Army may perform a variety of actions (see table below).  The actions that are available depend on the amount of MP the Army has left.   If the Army does nothing, or has no MP left, it will automatically defend.  The amount of MP for the Army is equal to the MP of the slowest Army Unit in the Army (An Army with a Defender would have a shared MP of 2).  An Army does not need to take over a territory to move through it.   All actions can be performed in any order, but once an Army either takes over a territory, attacks, or uses all of its MP, it may not perform any other actions (besides defending) until the next turn.   If an army is currently in a battle that has lasted more than one turn, it may not do anything but continue fighting or retreat.




Ends Army turn?

Move into any territory.

* MP (see below)


Take over neutral territory.

1 MP


Take over enemy territory.

2 MP


Attack enemy territory/army/structure

1 MP


Retreat from battle

1 MP


Combine/split Armies

* MP (see below)


Do nothing (Defend)


No Moving into a territory:


An Army is free to move into an adjacent territory, provided it has enough MP and there are no obstructions.  An Army is unable to move through enemy walls, but it may pass through any non-enemy walls by paying 1 MP. Attacking enemy Armies:


Whenever an Army moves into an enemy territory, if an enemy unit exists in that territory, the two units will automatically fight.   During a fight, each unit can only attack once per turn and can only attack one other unit.  This means that a battle can go on for multiple turns.   Each turn, if there are still units left on both sides, the armies regroup and fight again.  When damage is dealt, it is subtracted from the damaged unit's defense rating.   If at any point a unit's defense rating is reduced to 0, that unit is destroyed.  Each turn, there are 3 possible situations for a fight, each is done randomly:


Even fight:

Each attacker pairs off with one of the defenders.


Attackers outnumber defenders:

Attackers will evenly distribute themselves among the defenders.   There may be some fights that are 2 on 1, 3 on 1, or even more, but there must be all 1 on 1 fights before attackers will double up and all 2 on 1 fights before attackers will triple up.   Attackers attack the single defender and the defender attacks only one of the attackers each turn.


Defenders outnumber attackers:

Similar as above, except each attacker first pairs off with a defender.   Then the remaining defenders evenly distribute themselves among the attackers. Attacking enemy Structures:


To attack an enemy structure, an Army must be in the same territory as the structure.  A wall counts as being in both bordering territories at the same time.   This means that an Army is able to attack a wall if it lies on the edge of the territory that the Army currently resides in.   Each Unit in the Army does X damage each turn, where X is the attack rating of the Army Unit.  Structures cannot fight back, but any Stationary Units inside the Structure may defend.  If a Structure contains Stationary Units, the attacking army will always attack them first before attacking the Structure.   However, if the Structure successfully protects the Stationary Units from an attack, then the Structure will take the damage.   If any Structure's defense is reduced to 0, it is destroyed. Attacking territories:


An Army may attack the actual territory that it occupies.   If this happens, then the territory will temporarily not produce any resources.  If the territory is a forest, then essentially a path is cleared through the forest, making it slightly easier to travel through (costs 1 MP less than normal).   Attacked territories will return to normal within a few turns.   This method is useful for not only temporarily disrupting resource flow, but also making paths for moving units through faster. Retreating from battle:


If a battle lasts more than one turn, a player may choose to have an army retreat from that battle.  An army may only retreat if it has survived through at least one turn of battle and it has one more than enough MP to move into an adjacent territory.   Since it takes 1 MP to retreat, and MP do not replenish during battle, it is easier for the army to be caught. Combining Armies:


There may be no more than 10 Armies owned by each player and each Army may not exceed a size of 10, so combining is essential.   An Army can combine with an adjacent Army as long as it has enough MP to enter the adjacent Army's territory.   If the total size of both Armies would exceed 10, then the Army must split.  The part that splits off would combine with the adjacent army.   When two Armies combine, the resulting Army's MP will be reduced to match the smaller amount.  For example, if one Army has 4 MP, but the other Army has exhausted all its MP, the movement points for the combined Army will be dropped to 0 (An Army can only move as fast as its slowest part!). Splitting Armies:


An Army must have a size greater than 1 in order to split and the current player must own less than the maximum number of Armies.   When an Army splits, one part stays in the current area, and the other part will move into an adjacent territory.   The part that stays must have at least a size of 1 (otherwise the entire Army would move and it wouldn’t be a split!).   All rules for moving into an adjacent territory apply for the part that moves.  This means that if the Army Units that are moving do not have enough MP to move into the territory, the Army cannot split into that territory.   The MP cost is only deducted from the part that splits off into an adjacent territory.   The part that stays in the current territory will keep its remaining MP.  This allows an Army to split multiple times in one turn. Creating Stationary Army Units:


A Stationary Army Unit can be created by moving any single Army Unit (i.e. Army of size 1) into a defensible structure.   Stationary Army Units have an Upkeep Cost of 1 food, regardless of what their Upkeep Cost was before (a Ranger cannot hunt while in a structure, so food must be provided).   When an Army Unit is made into a Stationary Army Unit, it gains any special abilities granted by the structure.   Even though the structure may provide protection for Army Units, when a structure is destroyed, any Army Units in it are also destroyed.   A Stationary Army Unit can become mobile again by simply moving it outside of the structure. Structural Units


There two types of Structural Units: Stationary Structural Units and Mobile Structural Units.  Stationary structures can contain armies.  Whenever an army is inside of a stationary structure that army is deemed stationary.   (All calculations affected by the stationary flag apply).   Most Structural Units provide protection from attacks.   Some provide additional attack bonuses to Army Units.   All Structural Units are Stationary unless otherwise stated (They are mobile if they have an MP value).  Stationary Structural Units may not be moved once they are placed.   Walls are placed on the border between two adjacent territories, and all other types are placed inside a territory.   Some Structural Units are described as being "defensible."   This means that Army Units can occupy the structure for special abilities.  If a structure has a protection rating, that means that the structure is able to protect its Stationary Army Units (if it's defensible) as well as protect any units within or protected by it from projectile attacks.  If a projectile attack is not targeting the structure, but the projectiles must pass over (or through) the structure to hit their target, there is a percentage chance P, where P is the protection rating, that the structure will take the damage instead of the intended target. Unit List

This list gives a complete description of all the Army Units and Structural Units in this game.


Name: Soldier

Cost: 10 food

Upkeep: 1 food

Attack/Defense: 2/2

MP: 4

Territory movement costs:




1 MP


2 MP


4 MP

Shallow Water

3 MP

Deep Water



1 MP

Description:    Soldiers are average in everything from speed to fighting ability.   They cannot cross deep waters without the help of a bridge or boat.

Rationale:  Soldiers are not as weighted down by armor as a defender.

Special Attributes: None


Name: Ranger

Cost: 25 food

Upkeep: none

Attack/Defense: 1/2

MP: 6

Territory movement costs:




1 MP


1 MP


2 MP

Shallow Water

1 MP

Deep Water

2 MP


1 MP

Description:  Rangers are the fastest, but they are not very powerful fighters.   An Army may not have more than 2 Rangers as they get in each other's way.  A ranger is the most proficient at traversing the different types of terrain.   They are also good swimmers and climbers.

Rationale:   Rangers have little or no armor and light clothing making them fast.   They do not carry a lot of equipment with them allowing them to swim across deep waters.

Special Abilities:  A Ranger is a good pathfinder, which means that it can find the best route through any territory.  When joined with a slower Army, that Army receives +1 to their total MP (i.e. an Army of Soldiers and a Ranger would have an MP of 5).   Rangers are good hunters, so if an Army has a Ranger, they will be able to help the Army survive off of the land and thus there is less of a chance of them going Rogue.  Rangers are also the best archers, so whenever a Ranger is made into a Stationary Army Unit, it receives an attack bonus of +2 (For a total A/D of 3/2).


Name: Defender

Cost: 20 food

Upkeep: 2 food

Attack/Defense: 1/3

MP: 2

Territory movement costs:









Shallow Water


Deep Water




Description:  Defenders are the slowest, but they are the best at fending off attacks.   They cannot cross any water (not even shallow water) without the help of a bridge or boat.

Rationale:   Defeners are the most loaded down with armor and equipment.

Special Abilities:  Defenders are specialized in defense, so when they are made into Stationary Army Units , they receive a defense bonus of +1 (for a total of 1/4).


Name: Bridge

Cost: 5 wood, 5 stone

Repair Cost: 1 wood and 1 stone per point

Defense: 20

Protection: 0%

Description:   A wooden bridge with stone supports that goes over any water territory.   It does not provide any protection from attacks.

Special Abilities:  A bridge makes easy passage over water, so the MP cost for any Unit to cross a bridge is 1.


Name: Wooden Wall

Cost: 10 wood

Repair Cost: 1 wood per point

Defense: 10

Protection: 25%

Description:  A wall made out of wood that serves as a defensible structure.   It can be placed on the border of any territory except deep water.   It provides a 25% protection from projectile attacks.   Since a wall goes on a border it has a valid border type.   Border types represent all different combinations of valid territory types (can be made up of two bordering territories).

Special Abilities:  If Stationary Army Units are added, those Units can attack enemy Units in the two bordering territories of the wall.   A Wooden Wall can hold 1 Stationary Army Unit.   It provides a 25% protection from all attacks for its Stationary Army Unit.


Name: Stone Wall

Cost: 10 stone

Repair Cost: 1 stone per point

Defense: 30

Protection: 50%

Description:  Same as a Wooden Wall except that it has a stronger defense and it provides a 50% protection from projectile attacks.

Special Abilities:  Same as a Wooden Wall except it can hold up to 2 Stationary Army Units and provides 50% protection from all attacks for its Stationary Army Units.


Name: Wooden Tower

Cost: 15 wood

Repair Cost: 1 wood per point

Defense: 15

Protection: 35%

Description:   A tower made out of wood that serves as a defensible structure.   It can be placed in any empty non-water territory and counts as wall.   It provides a 35% protection from projectile attacks.

Special Abilities:  If Stationary Army Units are added, those Units can attack enemy Units in adjacent territories as well as their current territory.   A Wooden Tower can hold up to 2 stationary army units.   It provides a 35% protection from all attacks for its Stationary Army Units.


Name: Stone Tower

Cost: 20 stone

Repair Cost: 1 stone per point

Defense: 60

Protection: 75%

Description:   Same as a Wooden Tower except it has a stronger defense and provides 75% protection from projectile attacks.

Special Abilities:  Same as a Wooden Tower except it can hold up to 3 Stationary Army Units and provides 75% protection from all attacks for its Stationary Army Units.


Name: Defense Upgrade

Cost: 10 metal

Repair Cost: 1 metal per point

Defense: +20

Protection: +10%

Description:  A Defense Upgrade adds some defense power to any Structural Units by reinforcing it with metal.  It must be placed on an existing structure.  It provides a +10% protection from projectile attacks.   A structure can have only one type of each upgrade.

Special Abilities:  A Defense Upgrade provides any Stationary Army Units with a +1 bonus to attack and a +10% protection from all attacks.


Name: Catapult

Cost: 15 wood, 5 stone, 5 metal

Repair Cost: 1 wood, 1 stone, and 1 metal per point

Attack/Defense: */10

MP: 2

Territory movement costs:









Shallow Water


Deep Water




Ammo attack chart:






2 (cows can hurt!)

Army Unit

2 (incoming!)





Protection: 0%

Description:  A Catapult is a slow moving, defensible mobile unit similary to an army but is dependent on an infantry unit.  It cannot move or perform any actions without this unit.    It flings ammo at the enemy (projectile weapon).   It is unable to traverse through any rough terrain due to its size and weight, but it packs a powerful punch.   A Catapult is only able to attack adjacent territories and not the current territory.  The amount of damage it does depends on what ammo is used.   The ammo type is chosen whenever it attacks.   There is a limit of one Catapult per army.   If an army unit is used as ammo, damage to the army unit is based on what it hits (or misses).

Special Abilities:   A Catapult is a Mobile Structure, but in order to move it must have a Stationary Army Unit assigned to it.  It does not need to have a Stationary Army Unit to fire.   A catapult is the only Unit that is able to attack over walls.   Its accuracy depends on the protection rating of any Structures that are in the line of fire. Units Summary


Army Unit cost chart:





Stationary A/D



10 food

1 food





25 food






20 food

2 food





                        MP cost chart:





Shallow Water

Deep Water
























Stationary Structure Unit cost chart:



Repair cost/point



Wooden Wall

10 wood

1 wood



Stone Wall

10 stone

1 stone




5 wood, 5 stone

1 wood, 1 stone



Wood Tower

15 wood

1 wood



Stone Tower

20 stone

1 stone



Defense Upgrade

10 metal

1 metal




* Attack values depend on Stationary Army Units occupying the structures.


Mobile Structure Unit cost chart:



Repair cost/point





15w, 5s, 5m

1w, 1s, 1m





** Attack values depend on what ammo is used.


MP cost chart:





Shallow Water

Deep Water










Ammo attack chart:




Army Unit











2.1.4 Repairing Structures :


Structures can be repaired by paying their Repair Costs (if damaged during an attack) for each point of damage.  For example, a Wooden Wall would cost 1 wood to repair 1 point of damage and a Stone Wall would require 1 stone to repair 1 point of damage.   A bridge would cost 1 Stone and 1 Wood for each point of damage.


2.1.5 Rogue Armies:


Rogue Armies can be created whenever any player starves an army.   Rogue armies have learned to live off the land and they require no upkeep.  Therefore, any territory they are in will not produce its normal resources.   An army of Rogue Armies is unpredictable – it may go anywhere and choose to attack anything belonging to any player.   Rogue Armies follow the same rules as regular Armies, including their size and number restrictions.


Rogue Armies also exist in the wild and may appear in random neutral territories.   These Armies belong to no player and they perform their actions during the player’s turn in which they first appeared.   A Rogue Army that appears randomly will have a random size and random attributes.


If the maximum number of Rogue Armies is already reached, no new ones will appear.  If a regular Army goes Rogue, and the maximum is already reached, one of the existing Rogue Armies is destroyed to make room.  The only other way a Rogue Army can be destroyed is by attacking it.


2.2 Graphical User Interface


Team 2 will provide an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI will be designed to allow the user to fully interact with the game through the use of the mouse. In order to make the interaction more fluid, the GUI will be set up to display a large portion of information without the need of many pop-up windows. By simply navigating the one layout, the user should be able to view most (if not all) of the information necessary to play the game.


2.2.1 The map will be based on a graphical coordinate system.   Territories will have different textures representing terrain types.   Each unit will have a different image representing the unit type.


2.2.2 The map will be displayed in sections that are scrollable with an overhead radar.


2.2.3 The program will provide available options for the players for each turn as well as displaying accumulated resources, movement points and potential purchases.


2.2.4 Sample screen.


Sample screen layout 

3.  Non-functional Requirements


3.1 Availability


The system can accommodate up to four users.   The users will be playing on the same computer, taking turns.


3.2 Performance


From the time that a player has chosen a move, the response time must be completed within two seconds.


3.3 Usability


The game is to be played with minimal error after fifteen minutes of training.


3.4 Look and Feel


Enjoyable colors, easy to navigate user interface.


3.5 System Requirements


The game should run on any system that supports Java 1.4 , with 16 MB RAM, 15 MB hard disk space, SVGA monitor supporting 256 colors.


3.6 Programming Language




4.  System Evolution


Listed below are possible evolution/enhancements for Forces of Conquest.


4.1 Special Units


Special Units will be rare and have special attributes that are better than any other basic unit available.


4.2 Other structures:


Drawbridge: Must be placed on a wall that borders a land territory and a shallow water territory.  It can be opened or closed once per turn.  When it is closed, the wall is impassible.   When it is open, it allows for easy crossing of the water (like a bridge).  However, as long as the door is open, the wall is ineffective.


Moat: A moat may be placed in a barren territory that has a wall.   If this territory is not barren, it may be attacked to make it temporarily barren, but once a moat is placed, the territory will always be a shallow water territory.  This is an easy way to create the conditions necessary for a drawbridge.


Portcullis:  Must be placed on a wall, but there are no territorial restrictions like those that the drawbridge has.  The portcullis opens up not out, so it acts as a doorway to allow units through a wall.


(If these last two are implemented, units should not be able to cross their own wall at all unless there is at least a drawbridge or portcullis ... or they use other slower means).


Siege Engine:  This can be thought of as a mobile tower except that it does not give the same benefits.   A siege engine allows an army to storm up and over a wall without beating it down.  It is much better than ladders since it has a much lower chance of being knocked down, and it can carry more units up to the wall per turn (perhaps 3 or more).


Water Structures:


Name: Dock

Cost: 15 wood

Defense: 10

Description:  A Dock can be placed on a shore (shallow water bordering land).   It is required for loading ships with resources or units.


Name: Small Transport Ship

Cost: 30 wood

Defense: 5

Description: Has space for up to 5 army units or resources to be transported across large water territories without building a bridge all the way across (only useful on a map with a lot of water).   A Transport may travel in shallow or deep water.


Name: Large Transport Ship

Cost: 50 wood

Defense: 15

Description: Same as a Small Transport Ship, except that it has a higher defense and has space for up to 15 army units or resources.


Name: Battleship

Cost: 50 wood, 10 metal

Attack/Defense: 5/20

Description:  A Battleship requires one army unit before it can move, and it has space for up

to 10 army units.  It can attack enemy structures that are in its current territory or any adjacent territory.


            4.3 Map Flexibility


For more possible game combinations, there may be an addition of a random map generator and/or a map-building tool.   This would allow for endless combinations of play and greatly enhance replay value.


4.4 Accessories

The idea of accessories is that each Army Unit may carry one accessory (beyond their normal equipment).  An accessory can enhance special attributes of a unit:


Bow/Arrow: Pay 1 wood resource to a soldier and they can use bow/arrow like a ranger does, only they are less effective.   This includes attacking adjacent territories.


Ladder:  For each ladder carried in an army, one unit may go over an enemy wall without destroying it.   Be careful though, if there are Stationary Units defending the wall, there is a chance the ladders may be knocked over.   If this happens, any units currently trying to scale them will be damaged.


Battering ram:  Useful against walls and drawbridges (when closed).  The more units in the army, the more powerful the attack.


Boiling Oil Cauldron:  Stationary Units are able to better protect a structure (get +1 to attack for example).


Armour:  Extra defense but decreased movement

4.5 New Army Units


Medic:  Another special type of Army Unit that has no attack power and low defense.   However, it has the special ability of healing one unit per turn.   A medic will always be the last unit targeted for an attack.


Cavalry:  A special type of Army Unit that is created by combining one of the 3 basic types of Army Units (Soldier, Defender, Ranger) with a horse.  A Cavalry Unit has increased MP (in open territories), increased defense (+2), and increased attack (+2).  However, Cavalry Units take up 2 slots in an Army, and they must pay double the Upkeep Cost of the basic Army Unit.

4.6 Saving the Game
   A player will have the opportunity to save the game to play at a later time.
4.7 Network Play
               Players will be able to play across a network.
4.8 Miscellaneous Enhancements


Rangers should be able to instantly destroy a small army of other units -- like the equivalent of assassins or commandos.


Catapults should not be able to heavily damage a normal unit since they are primarily siege works, not army destroyers.   They should suffer an attack penalty vs. soldiers and rangers and you could have less of a penalty vs. defenders because they are stationary while rangers and soldiers can move around more freely.


Rangers have another special ability: they can scale walls


Armies have a small percentage chance of setting wooden structures on fire (flaming arrows, torches, etc.).  If a structure is on fire, it and all the Stationary Units in it receive one point of damage per turn.  The fire will continue until the structure is destroyed or the fire is put out (need to make a way for it to be put out).   If there are any adjacent wooden structures, they have a small percentage chance of also catching on fire.


Rangers' weapon of choice is the bow & arrow, so they can attack adjacent territories at +1 attack.  If they are defending a structure, they get +2 to attack.   They have no bonus if they are caught in melee combat (hand to hand) since they must use their secondary weapon.


5.  Glossary


            Army:  A large body of people organized and trained for land warfare.


GUI:  Graphical User Interface:   Using pictures instead of word commands.


MP:  Movement Points


Response Time:  The elapsed time between the end of an inquiry or demand on a computer system and the beginning of a response.


Resource:  An available supply that can be drawn on when needed.


Structure:  Something constructed, such as a building.


Tutorial:  A tutorial is a learning method that provides the reader with procedures and steps in an orderly fashion to describe how to perform a specific task.


Unit:  An individual, group, structure, or other entity regarded as an elementary structural or functional constituent of a whole.


6.  Index


            Accessories.................................................................................................................... 4.4

            Army Actions:........................................................................................................

            Army Units................................................................................................................

            Attacking enemy Armies:.....................................................................................

            Attacking enemy Structures.................................................................................

            Attacking territories..............................................................................................

            Board Setup.............................................................................................................

               Building Army Units: 

            Combining Armies...............................................................................................

            Creating Stationary Army Units........................................................................

            Functional Requirements.................................................................................................. 2

            Game Play...................................................................................................................... 2.1

            Glossary.............................................................................................................................. 5

            Graphical User Interface................................................................................................ 2.2

            Initial Resource Allocation.......................................................................................

            Initialization.................................................................................................................. 2.1.1

            Main Stage...............................................................................................................

            Miscellaneous Enhancements...................................................................................... 4.6

            Moving into a territory...........................................................................................

            New Army Units.............................................................................................................. 4.5

            Non-functional Requirements........................................................................................... 3

            Player Creation........................................................................................................

            Repairing Structures:.................................................................................................. 2.1.4

            Resource Stage.......................................................................................................

            Retreating from battle...........................................................................................

            Rogue Armies............................................................................................................. 2.1.5

            Rogue Stage............................................................................................................

            Splitting Armies..................................................................................................

            Structural Units.........................................................................................................

            System Evolution............................................................................................................... 4

            Turns............................................................................................................................. 2.1.2

            Unit Descriptions......................................................................................................... 2.1.3

            Unit List.....................................................................................................................

            Units Summary.........................................................................................................

               Upkeep of Army Units

            Upkeep Stage..........................................................................................................