Forces of Conquest

 Forces of Conquest

 A Strategic Game of Territorial Domination


Design Document
Version 1.0

Jon John, Erik Hayes, James Lacovara, Yu Ding, Lori Gratch

May 24, 2002


Table of Contents


            1.    The Game Concept Overview

2.  Game Design

3.  Construction: UML

4.  The Game Play Flowchart

5.  Game Play Overview

6.  Game Controls

7.  Splash Screen Art Requirements

8.  Music and Sound Effects List


1.  The Game Concept Overview
"Forces of Conquest: A Strategic Game of Territorial Domination" will be similar to a board game but complex enough that a computer is necessary for enjoyable game play.  The game is for two to four players.  The "board" will consist of a map on which resources will be arranged. The object of the game will be to enter the territory containing the enemy flag with at least one infantry unit, defeat the opposition (if it exists) and win the game. To stop your opponent you need to accumulate resources to improve and maintain your army units and build up walls to protect your flag. Rogue Armies are included in this game, acting on their own and adding to the challenge. During each player's turn, resources will be accumulated and the computer will advise of potential purchases based on the resources the player owns.


            Theme of the product.    Strategic battle game.

Character art style.    Medieval.

Target age group .  Teens and older.

Target platform .  Any Java-capable platform.

Special hardware .  A mouse will be required.

Hardware requirements.  Mouse, 16 MB RAM Pentium/100 or faster, 15 MB hard disk space, SVGA monitor supporting 256 colors, Java-compatible platform.

Estimated production team size. Five.

Scheduled completion date.    May 30, 2002 .

Reference products. This game incorporates ideas from games such as Civilizations, Settlers of Catan, and Magic: The Gathering (The card game).

2. Game Design

Sample Board

Below is a very basic example of what a map might look like.    Keep in mind this map has no textures, no ownership, and no units on it.

map grid

  3.  Construction: UML

The following is a list of the various packages used in the game.    There are UML diagrams for each package and a description of what each class consists of.

Click here to view a key of UML symbols.

Click here to view a full high level uml.

3.1  Package: Main

Purpose: To maintain all information that is part of the global scope of the game.

Special Notes:



main midlevel
Click here to view main lower level uml.


Class: GameEngine

Purpose: To control the flow of the game.    This is the core that puts everything together.


            event_calculator: object that handles various computations important to the semantics of the game.

            players: the people that are involved in the game.

            map: the board that is used for the game.

            gui: the interface that the user interacts with to play the game.


            main: the core that controls all aspects of the game from a high level.

            initialize: sets the game up in a starting position so that play can commence.

            getPlayers: returns the players of the game.

            getMap: returns the board that is being used for the game.


Class: EventCalculator

Purpose: To handle various computations that are needed throughout the course of the game.



            attack: performs the calculations necessary for armies to battle.

            buildStructure: performs the calculations necessary for a player to build a structure.

            buildMobileUnit: performs the calculations necessary for a player to build a mobile unit.


Class: Player

Purpose: To maintain information relevant to each person playing the game.


            id: an identifier for the player of the game.

            name: the name of the player.

            borders: all of the borders that the player has control over.

            territories: all of the territories that the player has control over.

            stationary_units: all of the structures that the player has control over.

            mobile_units: all of the armies that the player has control over.

            resources: all of the user’s accumulated resources.


            getId: returns the identifier of the player.

            getName: returns the name of the player.

            getMobileUnits: returns all of the forces that the player controls.

            getStationaryUnits: returns all of the structures the player controls.

            getResources: returns the player’s accumulated resources.

            getTerritories: returns all of the territories that the player controls.

            getBorders: returns all of the borders that the player controls.


Class: Resource

Purpose: To provide a structure that can hold resource information.


            type: the type of the resource (food, wood, stone, etc).

            amount: the quantity of the resource.

            min_amount: the minimum possible yield of a resource (for use by territories).

            max_amount: the maximum possible yield of a resource (for use by territories).

            is_ranged: Boolean indicating if the resource yield is fixed or within a range (for use by territories).


            Resource: constructors.

            getType: returns the type of the resource.

            getAmount: returns the amount of the resource.

            addAmount: total a resource (for use as the user accumulates resources).

            subtractAmount: remove some of a resource (for use as the user spends resources).



3.2  Package: Board

Purpose: To maintain all information that is related to the landscape of the game.

Special Notes:

-Two path finding methods:  While the adjacency matrix in the Map class is responsible for maintaining connections between territories, it is also possible to follow paths by moving from a territory to a border and then onto the next territory.    However, it is important to note that the original adjacency matrix may not account for movement costs and walls while the territories and borders will maintain this information.

board midlevel
Click here to view board lower level uml.

Class: Map

Purpose: To maintain an overall viewpoint of the landscape of play.


adjMatrix: an adjacency matrix that will manage position (relative, not graphical) and connections between territories of the map.    This choice of representation will allow for a great deal of flexibility as it does not place any restrictions on the number of neighbors (sides) that a tile can have.  And while the first draft will most likely just denote an undirected graph with unweighted edges, more advanced versions could easily represent a directed graph with weighted edges (and removable edges denoting walls) to support more sophisticated path algorithms that support gameplay.

territoryTable: since the matrix above is simply rows and columns, it is necessary to have a means to associate a given row/column with a territory.    This table will have a reference to the territory corresponding to each row/territory.

numberTable: this structure is the inverse of the above table allowing for row/column lookup provided a territory reference.


getNeighbors: function takes a territory as a parameter and returns a vector of all the territories that border the given territory.

pathExists: function takes a start territory, an end territory, and a number of movement points to determine if it is possible to move from start to end with the given movement points.  The result is returned via boolean value.

newTurn: function used to indicate a new turn has begun so that any turn-based values can be adjusted appropriately. 


Class: Territory

Purpose: To maintain information relevant to an individual territory.


           borders: each territory has a set of borders.    This number can vary with each map.

resources: each territory is capable of producing this set of resources each turn (empty vector if barren land).

mobile_units: the armies that are currently on the given territory (empty vector if no armies currently present).  If a player owns the territory, it is possible for a given player to have a maximum of 2 armies on a territory (1 mobile, 1 within a structure).    Every other player can only have 1 (mobile, attacking) army on the territory.

stationary_unit: 1 stationary unit can exist on a tile given that the structure is built by the owner of the territory (null if no structure present).

           owner: the player that currently owns the territory (null if not owned).

tempBarren: integer that denotes the number of turn the territory will not produce resources (0 if land if okay).

harvested: boolean indicating whether or not a Territory’s resources have been harvested this turn.

type: an integer value used to denote the type of the Territory's terrain.


           getBorders: returns a vector of the territory's borders.

getResources: returns a vector with the resources the land normally produces (empty if barren land).

harvestResources: first checks tempBarren.    If tempBarren is 0, return a vector with resources provided by the land for the current turn.  Otherwise, decrement tempBarren and return an empty vector.    If the land is normally barren, return an empty vector.

getMobileUnits: returns a vector with all of the mobile armies currently occupying the territory (empty if no armies).

getStationaryUnit: returns a structure if there is currently one on the territory (null if no structure).

           getOwner: returns the current owner of the territory.

           getContents: returns a vector with everything currently in the territory (armies and structure).

           addMobileUnit: adds an army to the territory.

           removeMobileUnit: removes an army from the territory.

setStationaryUnit: sets the structure on the territory if the player owns the territory and there is no existing structure.    If the parameter is null, an existing structure is removed.

           setOwner: sets the owner of the territory.

attacked: takes a severity parameter and temporarily makes the land barren for a number of turns (tempBarren = severity).

newTurn: funciton used to indicate a new turn has begun so that any turn-based values can be adjusted appropriately.


Class: Border

Purpose: To maintain information relevant to the borders between territories.


wall: each border can contain one wall (null if no wall).    The player must own a territory that shares the border    in order to construct a wall.

           neighborTerritories: a pair of territories that share the border.


           getWall: returns the wall currently on the border (null if no wall).

setWall: if the player owns a territory that shares the border and the border does not already have a wall, the wall is placed on the border.    A boolean is returned indicating success or failure.

           getTerritories: returns a vector with the pair of territories that share the border.



3.3  Package: Stationary

Purpose: To maintain all information that is related to the stationary structures available in the game.

Special Notes:


stationary midlevel
Click here to see stationary lower level uml.

Class: StationaryUnit

Purpose: A super class that contains all of the information that will be held by any structure.


           owner: the owner of the structure.

           cost: the resources needed to construct the structure.

base_defense_rating: the initial defensive power of a structure.

           current_defense_rating: the defensive power that the structure currently has.

           base_protection: the initial protection that the structure provides.

           current_protection: the protection that the structure is currently able to provide.

           valid_territory_types: all of the territories on which a given structure can be placed.

           defense_upgrade: an upgrade for the structure that increase strength and protection.


           getDefenseRating: returns the defensive power of the structure.

           getProtection: returns the protective power of the structure.

damage: perform a level of damage to a structure.    This results in a decrement of the protection and defense of the structure.  A boolean value indicates successful application of the damage.

repair: performs repairs on a structure given appropriate resources and a need for repair.  A boolean value is returned indicating the success of the repair operation.

addDefenseUpgrade: adds an upgrade to a structure if the upgrade does not already exist and the player providing the upgrade owns the structure.

removeDefenseUpgrade: removes an upgrade from a structure.    This only happens when the upgrade is destroyed by an attacking army.

           getOwner: returns the player that owns the structure.

           getCost: returns the cost necessary to construct the structure.

getValidTerritoryTypes: returns the types of territory that the structure is capable of occupying.


Class: DefenseUpgrade

Purpose: To maintain information on an upgrade performed to a structure.


            cost: the resources needed to construct the upgrade.

base_defense_increase: the amount of defensive power that the structure gains due to the upgrade.

current_defense_increase: the amount of defensive increase the upgrade is currently able to provide.

           base_protection_increase: the amount of protection that is gained due to the upgrade.

current_protection_increase: the amount of protection that the upgrade is currently able to provide.


            getCost: returns the cost necessary to construct the upgrade.

damage: perform a level of damage to the upgrade.    This results in a decrement of the protection and defense of the upgrade.  A boolean value indicates successful application of the damage.

repair: performs repairs on an upgrade given the appropriate resources and a need for repair.  A boolean value is returned indicating the success of the repair operation.


Class: DefensibleUnit

Purpose: A super class that contains all the information that will be held by any structure that can be inhabited by an army.


           defense_army: the army that is positioned with the structure.

           max_defense_army_size: the maximum size of an army that can inhabit the structure.


addDefenseArmy: places an army within the structure if there is not already an army there and the player owns the structure.    A boolean is returned indicating success of the operation.

removeDefenseArmy: removes an army from the structure as long as the player owns the structure.

getMaxDefenseArmySize: returns the maximum size of an army capable of inhabiting the structure.


Class: Bridge

Purpose: Represent a bridge for the purpose of certain types of terrain.


           base_defense_rating: inherited and set to 20.

           base_protection: inherited and set to 0.



Class: Wall

Purpose: A super class that conatins all the information that will be held by any wall.




Class: WoodWall

Purpose: Represent a wall that is made of wood.


           base_defense_rating: inherited and set to 10.

           base_protection: inherited and set to 25.



Class: StoneWall

Purpose: Represent a wall that is made of stone.


           base_defense_rating: inherited and set to 30.

           base_protection: inherited and set to 50.



Class: Tower

Purpose: A super class that contains all the information that will be held by any tower.




Class: WoodTower

Purpose: Represent a tower that is made of wood.


           base_defense_rating: inherited and set to 15.

           base_protection: inherited and set to 35.



Class: StoneTower

Purpose: Represent a tower that is made of stone.


           base_defense_rating: inherited and set to 60.

           base_protection: inherited and set to 75.




3.4  Package: Mobile

Purpose: To maintain information for all of the mobile aspects of the game.    This includes everything from armies to siege weapons.

Special Notes:


mobile midlevel
Click here to see the lower level mobile uml

Class: MobileUnit

Purpose: An abstract super class that represents any mobile unit..


           cost: the cost (in resources) of the unit.

           owner: the owner of the unit.


           getMP: returns the current movement points of the unit.

           refreshMP: resets movement points.

           getAttackRating: returns attack rating of the unit.

           getDefenseRating: returns defense rating of the unit.

           getCost: returns the cost (in resources) of the unit.

           getOwner: returns the owner of the unit.


Class: Army

Purpose: A container for a group of army units.


           units:  all the units in the army.

           max_size:  size limit of the army.


           Army: constructor.

           getMP: returns the minimum mp value of all the units.

           getAttackRating: returns the sum of the attack ratings of the units.

           getDefenseRating: returns the sum of the defense ratings of the units.

           refreshMP: refreshes the movement points of all the units.

           getUnits: returns a vector of the units.

           getMaxSize: returns the maximum size of the army.

           addUnit: adds the unit if the maximum size has not been reached.

           removeUnit: removes the unit if it belongs to the army.


Class: ArmyUnit

Purpose: A super class that contains all of the information that will be held by any army unit Attributes:.

           SHORT_RANGE: a constant representing short range.

           LONG_RANGE: a constant representing long range.

           SHORT_AND_LONG_RANGE: a constant representing both short and long range.

           base_mp: base movement points of the unit.

           current_mp: current movement points of the unit.

           attack_rating: power of an attack for both short and long range attacks.

           base_defense_rating: the initial defensive power of the unit.

           current_defense_rating: amount of damage that can be taken before destruction.

attack_range: distance of attack ability, either SHORT_RANGE, LONG_RANGE, or SHORT_AND_LONG_RANG.


           getMaxMP: calculates the adjusted maximum movement points.

           getCurrentMP: returns the current amount of movement points.

           refreshMP: resets current_mp to the adjusted maximum.

reduceMP: reduces the current movement point value by amount only if the amount is less

than or equal to  current_mp.

            getAttackRating: returns the attack rating corresponding to the given range.

            getDefenseRating: returns the defense rating of the unit.

            getAttackRange: returns the attack range of the unit.

damage: perform a given amount of damage to an army.    This results in reduction of the army’s power.    A boolean is returned indication successful application of the damage.


Class: DefensiveArmy

Purpose: Same as Army with the restriction that it contains only Infantry.




Class: Infantry

Purpose: A super class that contains all of the information that will be held by any infantry unit.



            getMaxMP: returns the calculated maximum movement points.

            getAttackRating: returns the calculated attack rating for the given range.

            getDefenseRating: returns the calculated defense rating.

            getAttackRange: returns the calculated attack range.


Class: Soldier

Purpose: Represents a soldier.


           base_mp: inherited and set to 4.

           attack_rating: inherited and set to {2,0}.

           defense_rating: inherited and set to 2.

           attack_range: inherited and set to SHORT_RANGE.


           Soldier: constructor.


Class: Ranger

Purpose: Represents a ranger


           base_mp: inherited and set to 6.

           attack_rating: inherited and set to {1,2}.

           defense_rating: inherited and set to 2.

           attack_range: inherited and set to SHORT_AND_LONG_RANGE.


           Ranger: constructor.


Class: Defender

Purpose: Represents a defender.


           base_mp: inherited and set to 2.

           attack_rating: inherited and set to {1,0}.

           defense_rating: inherited and set to 3.

           attack_range: inherited and set to SHORT_RANGE.


           Defender: constructor.


Class: SiegeWeapon

Purpose: A super class that contains all of the information that will be held by any siege weapon.


           ammo: all the ammunition (resources) allocated to the weapon.

           current_ammo_type: current ammo being used by the weapon.

           operator: the infantry unit that is operating the weapon.

           ammo_attack_values: a vector of attack values for each ammo type.


           getMaxMP: returns the calculated maximum movement points.

           getAttackRating: returns the attack rating based on the range and ammo type.

           getDefenseRating: returns the defense rating of the unit.

           getAttackRange: returns the attack range of the unit.

           getAmmo: returns the ammo currently allocated to the weapon.

           getCurrentAmmoType: returns the type of ammo currently being used.

setCurrentAmmoType: sets the current ammo type to the given type only if the weapon currently has that type, or if the type is empty string.

addAmmo: adds the given ammo type to the list if it is not already there, updates the amount if it is already in the ammo list.

getOperator: returns the infantry unit operating the weapon, null if no operator is assigned.

damage: perform a given amount of damage to a weapon.    This results in reduction of the army’s power.    A boolean is returned indication successful application of the damage.


Class: Catapult

Purpose: a catapult used to attack at a distance


           base_mp: inherited and set to 2.

           defense_rating: inherited and set to 5.

           attack_range: inherited and set to LONG_RANGE.


           Catapult: constructor.



3.5  Package: Graphics

Purpose: To maintain information for all of the graphics operations that will take place for the player to interact with the game.

Special Notes:


graphics midlevel
Click here to see the lower level graphics uml


Class: GUI

Purpose: To maintain all information relevant to the graphical user interface that the players of the game will use to play the game.


           graphics: an object that holds all necessary rendering information.

           parent: the game engine that is responsible for the flow of the game.


           getGraphics: returns the object that contains all of the graphics rendering information.

           getParent: returns the game engine that is responsible for the flow of the game.


Class: Graphics

Purpose: To hold all of the rendering information needed to portray the game graphically.


graphics_info: a hash table containing an entry for every possible item that may need to be rendered.


           getGraphicsInfo: returns the hash table with all of the graphics rendering information.


Class: Controls

Purpose: To manage any special controls that may be placed within the game.




Class: GraphicsInfo

Purpose: To manage all of the rendering information needed for any object in the game.


           image: the basic rendering of the object to be portrayed.

           transform: a transformation applied to the image.


           getImage: returns the basic rendering of an object in the game.

           getTransform: returns the transformation to be applied to the image.


4.  The Game Play Flowchart


flowchart midlevel
Click here to view low level product flowchart.


5.  Game Play Overview

5.1 Initialization


The game initialization consists of 3 steps: player creation, board setup, and initial resource allocation.  Upon completion of these stages, the game commences.


Player Creation


The first step in the game initialization is player creation.    This is dependent on the number of people that are going to be playing the game.  This step must occur first because every other step of the game will involve the players in some way.


The players are initially created as a blank slate.    Attributes will be obtained later in initialization and throughout the play of the game.


Board Setup


Once the number of players has been determined, it is possible to provide an appropriate board.  This stage cannot occur earlier because given the nature of the game a board that is appropriate for a two-player game will not be suitable for the needs of a three or four-player game.


Besides just determining the board to be used for the game, this step also involves assigning players an initial starting point or base of operations.    This is done by giving the player a valid range on the field of play in which to designate as his or her base.    This start location is an important decision as it determines the location of the players flag and is where all of the player’s units will originate throughout the course of the game.


Initial Resource Allocation


In order to speed up play on the first few rounds, players start with a set amount of each resource at the beginning of each game.    This amount is not great enough to perform any significant operations, but is enough to start the player without the need to wait for resources to accumulate from the base location.


5.2  Turns


Each player's turn consists of 4 stages in this order -- Resource Stage, Upkeep Stage, Main Stage, and Rogue stage.    The computer handles the Resource, Upkeep, and Rogue stages automatically.    The Main stage is the only stage where a player has any choices to make.


Each player takes turns building up armies, building up defenses, gaining territories, and attacking other players.      A player must click the end turn button to end their turn and let the next player have a turn.  Players continue alternating turns in this manner until one player captures an opponent’s flag.   Once a player’s flag is captured, they are removed from the game.    Play continues until only one person is left as the winner.

After a game is complete, an end of game screen is displayed, and then the players have a choice of playing the same game again.    If they choose to do so, the game is started again with the same game options.  If they do not choose to rematch, the main menu is displayed again.


6.  Game Controls

All operations that a player can perform should be easily done through the use of a mouse.    The user will not be able to change the mouse controls.    However, if keyboard controls are added, the user should be able to change these.

7.  Splash Screen Art Requirements

There are not very many requirements for this section.  The splash screen (if any) will be simple.    The artwork should be simple yet enjoyable to look at for long periods of time.  Below is a very basic outline of what the main play screen should look like:

screen layout

The GUI is designed to allow the user to fully interact with the game through the use of the mouse.  In order to make the interaction more fluid, the GUI is set up to display a large portion of information without the need of many pop-up windows.    By simply navigating the one layout, the user should be able to view most (if not all) of the information necessary to play the game.    A description of the elements present in the GUI is presented below.


Main View:

The abstract screen shot displays a map on the center of the screen.    This will be the most important part of the interface as it contains the layout of everything in the game.  Since every player is allowed to view the whole board, there is no need for the main view to be updated between turns.    However, the position may be altered so that the new player is looking at his or her forces rather than the forces the previous player last modified.

-The map will show each territory with a color and/or texture to represent the type of land the territory contains.

-On each territory, it will be possible to see any mobile units and stationary units that are present.  The same goes for borders between each territory.


Overhead Map:

The overhead map provides a means for viewing the entire field of play at a reduced level of clarity.  The boards will be too large to fit entirely within the main map window.    So rather than for the player to constantly scroll the main map window, it will be possible to obtain some limited information from the overhead map.  For example:

-Current relative view of the main map window against the entire map.

-All player owned territories and their positions.

-Possibly more information if it can be shown in a manner that is reasonably easy to reference.


Current Player Armies:

Since there is a limit of 10 armies per player, it is possible to provide a toolbar that allows quick access to the attributes of any of the armies under the player's control.  Clicking on an army within this toolbar will display the units within the army in the next toolbar to the right.  During the transition between players' turns, this toolbar will refresh to show the next player's forces.


Units In Current Army:

Since there can only be 10 units per army, it is also possible to provide a toolbar that displays each unit within the selected army.    Clicking on a unit within this toolbar will display all of the relevant characteristics of the unit in the window below the map.


Selected Unit Info Display:

This display will provide information on a specific unit.    The information will contain information concerning strengths, upkeep costs, etc.  If the evolution to accessories for units is created in the future, this information will also be displayed within this window.


Current Player Name:

As a means of reducing confusion, a window will display the name of the player that should currently be taking a turn.    This will refresh between each turn.


Resource Meter:

The resource meter will provide information about the amount of resources the current player currently has available.    This will provide a guide as to how the player should manage his or her resources.  The information will most likely be conveyed as bar graphs (one for each resource) with number at the bottom.  This will also refresh for the next player between turns.


Structure/Army Unit Cost/Info Display:

This window will contain all of the current player's options as far as building new objects, performing repairs, etc.  The computer will assist the user by not allowing the player to try and select anything that he or she cannot afford with his or her current resources.    The only thing that will change in this window between turns is the availability of certain items given the player's resources.


Menu Bar:

This will contain all common functionality normally associated with a menu (new game, quit, etc.).  There will also be a help menu that will contain a tutorial that allows the users to learn the game or brush up on certain features.


8.  Music and Sound Effects List

Music and sound effects need not be implemented.  However, if they are added, they should not be distracting to the game, and the user should be able to adjust any music and sound effect settings.